Friday, August 28, 2009

Session with Ms Zea; Be Careful What you Wish For part 2.


As Ms. Zea removed the ropes that had secured me to the table, She softly stroked my engorged nipples. This kept the waves of pain/pleasure surging through my mind and body. Once i was completely untied, Ms. Zea instructed me to get down from the table and follow Her to the Discipline Dungeon. As i strained to get down from the table with the weights attached by the clamps still swinging from my aching nipples, She added “And don’t let those weights come off !” i struggled to follow Her down the hall, trying to keep up while not causing the weights to pull too hard. Every step became a jarring reminder of the special treatment that She had paid to them.

Once in the Discipline Dungeon, Ms. Zea removed the genital harness from my now tender parts, tapped the Spanking Horse with her leather gloved finger and instructed me to get up. Normally this is a relatively easy task. With the lead weights dangling on their length of chain still pulling on my aching nipples however, the task proved a test to see how quickly I could accomplish Her instruction with the least amount of increased agony. Though it took several painful tries at sliding my chest around on the leather top of the horse to get the weights hanging freely on either side (without using my hands), both clamped nipples ended up painfully pressed between my torso and the horse, further tormented by the now swinging weights. Precisely how Ms. Zea wanted them.

She fastened my ankles and wrists with the leather cuffs on the restraint pads on the four corners of the horse, pulling my torso firmly down onto the top of the horse and causing an explosion of pain from my tortured nipples. Being once again tightly secured and presented for Her pleasure, She gently drew her leather-clad hand up and down my back, mixing the pain I was feeling in my nipples with an amazing amount of pleasure. But that came with a price.

From behind me, I could hear Her step over to the wall with Her incredible collection of floggers and when She repositioned Herself behind me, I felt the implement She had chosen gently strike my shoulders and back. Ms Zea was always very conscientious about starting a flogging lightly, to properly allow Her sub to build up to the intensity level She decided was appropriate. The gentle caress of the flogger now was like a loving massage. Even as She increased the weight of Her swing, this lighter implement in Her hand was still exciting.

When She exchanged the flogger, I knew the moment the heavier tails of the new implement struck my back, I was to be tested. She increased the weight of Her swing and continued to strike various parts of my body: shoulders, sides, buttocks, thighs.
The gentle massage had now changed to discipline. The sting of the tails increased as the blows varied, the location of the strikes changed, the timing between the strokes differed, the weight She put into the swing increased. Though I was now trying to shift my body under Her blows, the bindings on my arms and legs held me firm, tightly pulled over the top of the horse. And my clamped nipples, still being crushed against the leather top, now had the pull of the swinging weights to contend with.

Taking a small break, Ms Zea used the alcohol spray over my now stinging body. She gently blew over my back, and played with her fingers through the emerging welts. That provided such an enjoyable mixed feeling, Her touch, the smarting of my new welts and the coolness of the evaporating alcohol. She continued to flog me, using both leather and rubber floggers, with varying thickness and length of tails. For me, the leather tends to feel more thumpy on the flesh while the rubber can bite and sting more. Ms Zea, being so very skilled with a flogger, can deliver a flogging that covers the complete range of feelings, from the previously mentioned massage to the point were the intensity is reaching my limit.

And without me saying so, She always knows when that level is reached and then takes me just beyond it. Without fail.

My body reacted to this amazing session of discipline by again releasing another wave of endorphins, with Ms Zea facilitating this by expertly massaging my shoulders right over the spot where the hormones are produced. My mind was swimming in bliss as my body was twitching everywhere against it bonds. This seemed to go on forever and forever. My world existed with Ms Zea, on that horse, submitting to Her will. Nothing else.

At this point the pleasure completely blocked out the pain from the flogging and my tortured nipples. If I hadn’t been tightly strapped to the Horse, I’m sure I would have floated away. Staying close by, gently stroking my flogged back with Her leather gloved hand and talking softly to me, Ms Zea made the moment absolutely amazing. She has placed me in that incredible mind and body space on numerous occasions before but this was the first time for twice in one session. It was then I noticed the tears on my face, the endorphin rush being so complete.

Then She showed me Her strap-on harness hiding under Her leather kilt...

After feeling completely owned and taken by Ms Zea, She removed the nipple clamps, what should have been a very painful moment was dulled by the incredible feeling of wellbeing and my joy at being in the perfect subspace.

Releasing me from the straps on the horse, She led me into the Fetish Salon and allowed me to present myself properly in front of Her as She sat on Her Throne Chair. She rewarded me with letting me kiss her bare feet and suck her toes. As I thanked Her for such an amazing session, I realized that this subspace was where I clearly wanted to be.

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